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MARCH 26, 2008

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Maria Dell'Ovo

Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assist. Town Manager, Representatives from the Senior Center, Jane Dutton, Library Director, Celeste Duffy, Library Trustee, Johnny Suire, HCTV Director, Larry Popple, HCTV Committee, Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dennis Lipka, Growth Management Director

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Jacquie discussed the Senior Center Budget and answered questions from the Committee concerning the budget.

At 7:20 Paul recused himself from the discussion of the Library budget. (Paul's wife is employed at the Library). He returned to the meeting at 7:30.

Jane Dutton read a brief statement about Library services and announced the book title for One Book One Holden, HATCHET.  She discussed the Library budget and answered questions from the Committee concerning that budget.

Johnny Suire discussed the HCTV budget and answered questions from the Committee concerning the HCTV budget.

Denise Morano read a brief statement about the Recreation programs. She discussed the Recreation Budget and answered questions concerning the budget with the Committee.

Dennis Lipka gave a brief overview as to how the Growth Management Department came about. He discussed the budgets of the Growth Management Department, Solid Waste Enterprise Fund and the Inspection Revolving Fund and answered questions from the Committee concerning those budgets.

There was some discussion about the Veteran's Services budget.

There was concern about the condition of the Hendricks House under the Historical Commission budget.

Al reported on the WRSD Budget presentation held on March 24.  Holden seems to be able to handle it's assessment, but Paxton and Rutland will have problems with their assessments.

The committee discussed the format of future meeting concerning the Town budgets. Discussion will be held on each budget.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley